Better for everyone -

Better for everyone

Hannah Baijer2

“Through the Better for Nature & Farmer program of a large Dutch retailer, Bakker Barendrecht (a Greenyard company) has been collaborating with more than 210 Dutch growers to introduce more sustainable agricultural practices. The program, which is now entering its third year, is the result of the long-term commitment between growers, our Dutch retailer, Bakker and other service providers,” says Hannah Baijer, R&D Specialist at Bakker Barendrecht.

“The aim of the program is to stimulate our growers to systematically work on the topics: climate, biodiversity and soil health. Measures include for instance the installation of solar panels and the introduction of LED lighting, to systematically reduce their environmental footprint, by lowering their energy consumption. A healthy soil is full of natural life: it ensures strong plants that require less protection. The program has already resulted in 368 kilometres of flower strips on field margins, numerous insect hotels and an increased use of natural enemies to protect crops from insects or pests.”

“The program breathes a strong commitment from all sides. Our growers agree to make the necessary investments, and they are also compensated for extra investments in sustainability. This is yet another great example of how our unique partnership with customers and growers bear fruit."

Jahresbericht 2022-2023
Unser integrierter Jahresbericht legt unsere Handels- und Finanzergebnisse dar und soll Shareholder, unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sowie die Öffentlichkeit über das Geschäftsjahr 2022-2023 von Greenyard informieren.