SDG 13 - Greenyard Sustainability Report -

Build a resilient and sustainable food chain and promote sustainable agriculture

SDG 13

As a major supplier of fruit and vegetables, we depend more than any other sector on the availability of healthy soil, biodiversity, fresh water and the right climate conditions. The consequences of climate change such as extreme drought, water scarcity or damage to the crops caused by heavy rainfall or storms, have a significant impact on the availability of our products.

Although fruit and vegetables have a relatively low environmental impact compared to other food products, it is only natural that we take action through mitigation and adaptation. We do this by promoting a shift towards more plant-based diets. In addition, we focus on optimising our own environmental footprint (scope 1 and 2) and stimulate our suppliers (scope 3) to follow in our footsteps. We defined clear targets to reduce our carbon footprint (scope 1 and 2) by 50% by 2025. We committed ourselves to implement Science Based Targets in the current financial year to fully align our long-term targets and actions with the Paris Agreement, which aims for a maximum global temperature increase of 1.5 degrees and a significant reduction of carbon emissions.

We are confident that this approach will be supported by our growers. Moreover, by making their efforts more visible, we aim for them to get the extra credits they deserve for building more sustainable food supply chains and providing consumers worldwide with healthy fruit and vegetables.

Sustainability roadmap 2025
Our contribution to the UNs SDGs
Aligning our efforts
Good health and well-being
Decent work and economic growth
Zero hunger
SDG 12
Responsible consumption and production