Sustainability at the heart of our company -
Message co-CEO's: Sustainability takes centre-stage in our Strategy 2030
At Greenyard, sustainability is more than a license to operate. We see it as a driving force for a much needed, fundamental change in our sector and society at large. Therefore, sustainability has taken centre stage in our Strategy 2030, as we lead the way in the global transition towards healthier and more sustainable food systems.
Panel discussion with our Managing Directors: Sustainability is high on the agenda of our business
Sustainability is a core part of the Greenyard 2030 strategy and has been at the heart of our company since the very beginning. How do we leverage our unique position in the chain today and play our role to bring positive change? Where do we stand as a company today?
Greenyard's Sustainability Report
Zrównoważony rozwój
Greenyard dąży do pozyskiwania owoców i warzyw w sposób zrównoważony, szanując przyrodę i zapewniając plantatorom uczciwe zyski. Nasze strony poświęcone zrównoważonemu rozwojowi jasno pokazują nasz ostateczny cel, jakim jest poprawa jakości życia.