Driven by passion and people -

We are Greenyard!

Alexander Verbist

Finding and attracting the right talent is crucial in realising our ambitions. But it’s not an easy job in today’s tight and demanding labour market. It does help of course that we are a purpose-driven company, in line with many people’s aspiration to contribute to a better world.

“At the Group level, next to our Talent Development Programs, we focus on the development of common tools – such as the new Applicant Tracking System which makes it easier to follow up applications and lowers the threshold for candidates. We also provide support and share best practices in the recruitment and development domain. But it’s not a one-size-fits-all. What works in our Belgian headquarters may not work in our Polish production site or our Peruvian sourcing office. Our first aim is to support and facilitate our local colleagues so that their great ideas can come to fruition.”

Moreover, the world around us is changing fast, and our sector is no different. The use of technology and data in our processes is increasing at a rapid pace and we are mindful of the major changes in regulations and compliance. It means that developing our talent is not just crucial from a people perspective, but also from a business perspective. At the Group level, we have been initiating several programs to make sure our people are ready for the future, including our Leadership and Game-Changer Development tracks, while the divisions are focussing on business-specific training and development.


A safe haven for everyone

We are working in quite a demanding environment, where speed, flexibility and a relentless focus on quality are of the essence. Through our Integrated Customer Relationships with some of Europe’s biggest retailers, we are providing millions of people with the best quality fruit and vegetables, day in, day out. It requires a lot of hard work from everyone, at every level.

“We expect a lot from our employees, but we also need to give back to them. Greenyard should be a safe haven for everyone, a place where everyone can feel safe and respected. We are continuously improving health and safety in our workplaces, from the installation of ergonomic desks and workstations to the prevention of work-related incidents.”

A lot of attention also goes out to mental wellbeing. Last year, we have seen many initiatives to raise awareness around this topic, both within the entities and at Group level. For instance, different sessions on the importance of resilience were offered at our corporate office to help people recognise stress indicators and open up the dialogue with colleagues and managers. Mental well-being is also an important part of the local programs, like in the extended Vitality program at Bakker Barendrecht.”

“Nonetheless, cultivating a positive work environment is a collective effort. That is why we introduced an internal Whistleblowing Tool last year, providing a confidential communication channel to give a voice to concerns related to unethical behavior in the workplace. Through ongoing campaigns, targeted at both white and blue-collar workers, we encourage all colleagues to speak up and share their concerns whenever they witness any kind of wrongdoing. The aim is to establish a safe haven with an inclusive culture where everyone feels safe and valued.”


A strong company culture

Today, Greenyard has a diverse workforce of more than 8 500 people, consisting of 80 nationalities, speaking a variety of languages, and working across more than 19 different countries. “Despite their differences in background, education and skills, they all have one thing in common – they are Greenyard!”, says Alexander Verbist. “It is our mission to nurture that feeling and make everyone feel part of the Greenyard story.”

Sharing information – about our company, our strategy, our values, our business and our goals – is crucial in this respect. A complete rehaul of our intranet is just one of many projects we undertook to realise that ambition. We have also worked hard on strengthening our internal communications, making it easier for people to share their stories and promote great examples of what we stand for as a company.

“All of these elements enable us to further develop a strong company culture among all our employees, built upon the foundation of our values – passionate, entrepreneurial, reliable, creative and sharing – and most of all, our purpose to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for everyone.”

Annual Report 2022-2023
Our integrated Annual Report combines commercial and financial reporting to inform shareholders, employees and the general public about Greenyard’s 2022-2023 financial year.